Permit guns in schools to stop massacres


Yeah, that’s the title of a community columnist in today’s Charlotte Observer.

Mr. Lane is an older person, having grown up in a completely different age and time. His assertion that when researching his opinion for the above article link, that, “…What changed? When guns were readily available to students, when they were often actually inside the schools themselves, there were no killings — none! …”.

With all due respect for the Observer, offering opinions such as this person proposes, just brings out the nut-jobs and wackos from our area society.


We already have school resource officers (county or local police officers) in most — if not all — middle schools, and every high school. We believe that “arming a responsible adult” is achieved by this practice in Gaston County already. We don’t need teachers, certified/tenured, or substitutes, packing heat in the hallways.
